Thursday, January 13, 2011

Made it

So, I made it to Cairo. Just. All of my flights were dealyed. So I had to run from plane to plane, but I made it. Then I had a bus ride to the hotel. A "bus ride". More of a suicide run than anything else. Driving in Cairo is nuts. You have 3 lanes on the road, but 5 lanes of traffic. The car I was in has about 1 foot of personal space on all sides. I could barely see the car in front of me because we were tailgating so closely. And people are running in between cars. It's like real life frogger!

I have met a lot of nice people here (like Charles from Edmonton whose computer I am using). There are 60 full tour riders, 48 of which are male. Many are from North America, but there are a good chunk from Europe and some from Oceania. Nobody is what I expected. Everybody seems to be real people, not the hardcore cyclists I expected.

Anyway, back to Cairo. We went for a warm-up cucle today. I was supposed to be 40km, but ended up being 12. Traffic was too bad. I can not emphasize how RIDICULOUS the traffic is. There are no rules with these people. Each man for himself.

I've eaten at the hotel once, but it is really expensive. The food is really nice here! The food out in the city is way cheaper than the hotel, but a little iffy when it comes to safety. But, when in Rome...

We have a rider meeting tomorrow and then we set off Saturday for the first real day of cycling. I am stoked for this. Not even worried.

On a side note, I thought a lot about my preparation while I was on the plane. I feel like a little bit of a douche. I did not do nearly enough thanking. I got so involved in getting ready that I feel I forgot a lot of people. So, for those of you I missed: thank you. Thank you with the depths of my being. I could not have gotten nearly as far as I have without an excellent net of support. You guys have caught me when I stumbled more times than I can count. Mom and Dad, thank you for believing in me and helping me out with some stuff (mom = insurance, dad = flight). Kris, thank you for the help with the music. Nick, thanks for helping me escape my prep. Simon, thanks for the few bromance nights. Ian, thanks for ther medical advice and almost getting me some meds. And Jenn. Thank you for everything. Thank you for convicing me I can do this and helping me every step of the way. Thanks for the helpful Christmas gifts and birthday gifts. Thanks for just being you.

So, thank you everyone. You will not be forgotten. I will do my best to keep everyone updated, but I don't have a computer.

Until next time, when I have clocked a few hundred kilometers on my legs,


  1. Daniel, I absolutely love your description of Cairo traffic and driving. You sound just like I felt in Hanoi! It IS nuts, isn't it? Glad to hear you've made it there safe and sound. And, imagine all those old fogies on the tour being regular folks? I don't know whether I pity or envy the dozen women! I'm looking forward to reading about your adventures and seeing pictures, eventually, on your blog. Stay safe! Love you, Mom

  2. I need to you abandon your trip and come back to Ottawa, because we're expecting up to 10 cm of snow today and someone has to shovel the driveway. More seriously, I guess that at the time I write this you'll likely have finished your first day of cycling, having coped with Egyptian drivers, having passed the Pyramids, and having coped with the unbearable temperatures (really, Ottawa is quite nice at this time of year ...). Keep well, and keep us posted. Dad

  3. A) Is there any talent in your tour group?
    b) you forgot to thank me for giving you that sweet towl and tube patches.
    c) I would have commented earlier but I have been working on my high fives and finger snaps.

  4. Well I guess Ottawa drivers don't seem so bad anymore by comparison. Have fun skipping winter this year, I bet the weather there is more to your liking... unbearable!

  5. No matter the weather in Egypt, you'll be glad not to be in Ottawa today. At 07h30 it's -25C (-29C with the wind chill), but freezing rain is forecast for the day after tomorrow. Egypt is looking better and better from here!

  6. If you are able to continue writing such an interesting blog we will all be more than adequately thanked. I enjoy your expressions and choice of words, great writing; hopefully you will have the opportunity to keep it up.
    You have already said it best ..... May you wake each morning with a huge smile on your face and your heart trying to beat it's way out of your chest.

    Uncle Gord
