Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Today is the day.

So, after almost a year of planning, training, saving, training, working, training and packing, the day has finally come! I am writing this at 0800 because I just couldn't sleep this morning. I woke up with a huge smile on my face and my heart trying to beat it's way out of my chest. Today I'm enjoying my last eggs and oatmeal breakfast before being subjected to the airplane food, which reminds me of heated-up IMPs.

Well. 12,000 km isn't that long, right...? I'm on a bike, I'm not even walking, or dragging a big-ass tire up a hill. I'm so excited for all the stuff I'm going to see. You can't really see anything from a bus or car or plane. There is just nothing quite like being outside and close to the ground, rolling along and smelling the smells and seeing the sights.

It's gonna be a nice change to get away from Ottawa for the winter. Here are some things I will miss though: My bed, all my friends, my parents, my brothers, unlimited coffee at my disposal, the gym/bodybuilding, a car, Kris' dog Lucy, my frying pan and associated plastic fork, microwave.

You know what I won't miss AT ALL?: Cell phone, e-mail, Blackberry zombies, winter, Facebook, a job, government workers, douchebag customers, explaining my story to everyone, and Viv.

Anyway, I'm out. Next time I post, it will be from some unknown land and I'll probably have some awesome pictures. So, finally, a shout out. Thanks: Jules for the tent, it's awesome. Kris for the music and memory cards. Bushtukah for all the help with my bike. Mom and Dad for all the support. Ian for almost getting me medical supplies. Dever for the med kit. Jenn for her everlasting support and confidence and many christmas gifts. My extended family for the kind Christmas gifts/donations. Anyone that gave money for my head shave. There are just too many people to list! Thank you everyone. I could not have gotten half as far as I have without you guys.

I'm out. See you on the flip side,


  1. You'll miss me because I am awesome.

    I will miss you too my friend.

    Bring me black a blood diamond! Thanks! Good luck!

  2. According to the British Midland website, your plane has landed in Cairo. I hope that (a) you were on it, (b) your bike was on it, (c) your bags were on it, and (d) "landed" implies one piece rather than debris scattered along the runway! Remember that "shukran" is "thank you", and you should be fine. Can't wait to see your comments on Cairo, not to mention the rest of the trip.

  3. I peed my pants when I saw the things you won't miss. Lol Viv
